We value the life lessons learned while being involved in a club or organization. Goal setting, team work, community awareness, and responsibility are a few of the life lessons our students learn. Clubs and organizations at Faith Academy are established not only to strengthen and support the school but to rise up Kingdom leaders.
Officers for 2024-2025:
President: Seri Booth
Vice President: Avery Floyd
Treasurer: Jaden Turrentine
Mission: The National Honor Society is an organization dedicated to recognizing and rewarding students who demonstrate the four pillars of NHS. New members are inducted in the spring of each school year. The Four Pillars of the National Honor Society Scholarship: scholarship is characterized by a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.
Service: The pillar of service can be reached in a variety of ways. The willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality that is essential in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large. Service does not include performances of any kind, playing a sport, or the simple act of being a member of another club.
Leadership: Leaders take the initiative to aid others in a wholesome manner throughout their daily activities. Leaders sacrifice their personal interests in order to yield to the needs of others. Leaders need wisdom and self-confidence to effect change in all aspects of their lives. Some examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to leading group activities in the classroom and in the community, being an officer in a club, or being the captain of a sports team.
Character: Character is what distinguishes one individual from another. It is the product of constant striving to make the right choices day after day. Students with good character demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship in all of their actions.
Chapter Activities
National Honor Society is primarily a service organization. NHS recognizes the need to be active in the community. NHS students participate in a wide variety of service projects in community and church organizations. Members are required to log hours of individual volunteer work during each semester, as well as participating in chapter-wide events.
To read through the NHS By Laws for 2019-20, click here.
Officers for 2024-2025:
- STUCO President: Seri Booth
- Class Sponsors: Senior: Michelle Radford, Junior: Stacy Houy, Sophomore: Emma Lewis, Freshman: Linda Puckett
- Senior Officers: Kate Sowell, President; Avery Floyd, Vice President; Whitni Flowers, Secretary; Noah Frederick, Treasurer
- Junior Officers: Natalie Weems, President; Addison Taylor, Vice President; Halley Offutt, Secretary; Bosley Kuker; Treasurer
- Sophomore Officers: Saige Clowdus, President; McKlayne Apel, Vice President; Reese Ramsey, Secretary; Brandon Wood, Treasurer
- Freshman Officers: Katy Lopez, President; Ella Lewis, Vice President; Abby Kosoglow, Secretary; Hutton Lehmberg, Treasurer
Interact gives students the chance to make a real difference while having fun. Every Interact club carries out two service projects a year: one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. These service projects are an effective way for students to take action at home and abroad and connect with other young leaders. Through Interact, students can: carry out hands-on service projects, make international connections, connect with community leaders, develop leadership skills, have fun! The Club meets at least twice a month and is sponsored by the Marble Falls Rotary Club.
In 2016, our Faith Academy Interact Club earned the Presidential Citation Award from Rotary International!
- Sponsor: Trey Poage
Sponsor: Lynn Kelley and Ashley Shipley